Jenny and Michael have a good deal of experience in this type of work and only enter in after spiritual consultation about each and every case and then working closely with their guides and always under their full protection. Unless you can guarantee the sort of backup that they have, please don't try it yourself.
21 November 2009
South East London
27 October 2009
Pain and Sorrow in East Sussex
JUDGE JEFFREYS hanged them in the Garden without giving them Time to say their Prayers
Mustafa told us what to expect before we went to this area in
"There is a lot of turbulent activity, mostly hostile and uncomfortable, the path leading from the front gate to her home and running to the right of it as you see it from the front right up to the open field.
"There is also a ball of black/darkness energy, a residue from the past that filters outwards decreasing in density in that open field. Allow yourselves plenty of time.
"The hostile energy actively encroaches to the rear of the house, but does not exactly permeate in. The house itself is relatively clear thank goodness.
"Souls remain trapped/contained in that black area and cannot be released thus far. It is not your job to deal with those that is our job alone as full recruitment needs to be done.
"Certainly a protective holding position is required as a permanent barrier. The lady does not have any lost souls in her home an interesting day there, Mustafa."
The house next door was described to us as an 'evil hall'. What Mustafa described as a lot of turbulent activity, mostly hostile and uncomfortable was certainly coming from beyond the old roadway boundary to its right running on upwards to the field at the top. To us it felt like waves of heavy, black negativity.
We were told that Judge Jefferies was there in 1667. "He was a circuit judge and was one of the most evil circuit judges whoever lived. There was locally a
"Judge Jefferies would have come as part of his circuit and because this was the Manor House. He would have held court in there. Even in 1667 the number of large buildings was very few and far between and that would be one of the largest buildings that most people ever saw.
"The Hall itself was 35 feet long, so it was a big hall, like a small Cambridge college hall with a large fireplace with stone floors and Jefferies would have tried local people, who were sheep stealing or whatever and he enjoyed putting them to death.
"He apparently enjoyed the whole process of not even allowing them to say their prayers."
This came out in various history books that the lady had researched it, so she takes it as being correct.
This house next door was haunted and the lady knew this because a woman who used to live there had told her. She wasn't very nice but she said that in the end they got fed up with living there, which was thirty years. One flushed the lavatory and another sprayed perfume. There were things going on all the time. "If you go there it's awful. It's like treacle."
We were not invited to this house of course, but to the neighbouring home of a lady who had called us in because she had suffered from ill health and depression for many years.
We blessed every room and cleansed it with prayer and walked around the perimeter of the garden and called for the Universal Force act.
"Please cleanse every single orifice of the entire establishment. Use the whole Spiritual Light Force to remove all negativity and to prevent anymore negativity coming over to this residence and to this side of the fence. Put a protective shield as a barrier for life, so that no more negativity can encroach on this property and especially on this area here.
"We ask for a whole dome of light to be placed over this adjoining property, so that it may dispel all negativity and that this property may be put up for sale and new residents can come in, where new light and love can be placed within and for the whole establishment to be used with the right intentions for the good of all."
We asked for this double layered protective barrier to be put all round the boundaries of the garden. When we left it felt far more peaceful and positive.
Four days later we received email from the lady herself.
The words thank you seems insufficient, but .. thank you, all three of you and the hosts of spirits who came to our aid.
My first feelings as I stepped outside this morning was that I no longer had to protect myself in my own garden. That tar like mist which seeped and threatened had been replaced by a light vacuum. For the first time in a long time, I started to sing while driving - I can't remember the last time I felt glad.
The black sphere of negative energy was a mixture of distress and evil mixed together. What it did was to attract more of its kind towards it and empower the occupants of the house to carry out their underhand deeds. That house has a long history of hostile and aggressive occupants.
So now when I walk outside ....... it's gone! It is early days but I will have to learn to think differently. I no longer protect myself and feel as if I am watched. Thank you seems rather insufficient, but I am greatly touched that Mustafa has recruited other powerful spirits to cleanse and refresh the space.
I am also touched that those poor souls who met their untimely ends may now carry on their passage and are no longer trapped.
Again nine days later we heard
Thank you my dear friends.
I have been keeping a note of changes that I have felt since Mustafa and his mates healed the black hole of despair next door. I have started to walk down the lane and across the fields for the first time in 16 years without feeling that creepy blackness.
Walking has improved my health, so that I am beginning to feel lighter and struggle less with my energy. Something has released within me, so I have started to play music around the house such as Bach and Debussy and this has raised the vibrations.
These are subtle differences and yet they mean so much. I just wanted to thank you again.
13 October 2009
Ashdown Forest, East Sussex
Last week Jenny and Michael went to a house near
Some twenty years ago he had finished work and retired to his dream house with his beloved wife Marjory. Sadly Tony died and was very bitter about not being able to enjoy what he had worked for all his life.
About three years after Tony died his wife sold the house to their present owners, who had lived there for the last twelve years.
About three months after moving in, the lady of the house suffered a dramatic loss of energy. She has continued in ill health ever since.
The house had cold spots and one room in particular, which was originally a Play Room but was never used by the two young boys who now lived there.
This room is now a Music Room because the lady of the house loved music, but was 'blocked' from played in there on the piano or her cello. She found concentration difficult and she was unable to write in this particular room.
Jenny and Michael were called in to examine the house and they found pendulum activity very marked as it revealed the negative energies that were present in the Music Room especially around the piano.
There was a report of a fungus growth appearing by the fireplace and a brown/blue sludgy energy had been seen travelling at high speed across the top of the stairs.
In the Sitting Room there was further pendulum activity showing negativity by the left half of the settee and a dark object had been seen in this room previously, but on investigation nothing had been found.
Tony, who still 'lived' in the house considered it to be his and repeatedly tried to tell the new comers to go and leave him in peace. He said that he was angry because he couldn't control his situation and wanted to fight back.
They were of course still living in 'his' house and he had successfully stopped the Music Room from being redecorated and new curtain being put up. He even tried to push a man off the roof who had come to do some repair work.
Finally he was persuaded to go to his wife, who had died about three years ago and still loved him. They were reunited and a new warmth settled over the house and especially in the Music Room and the Sitting Room.
After he had left the pendulum was static and the lady of the house was ecstatic. She felt a new warmth in the room and was even able to play a few scales on her piano.
When each and every room had been cleansed and blessed and the whole house was protected, Jenny and Michael left a very happy lady, who was going out to buy some flowers for her 'newly acquired' home.
From the Lady of the House who wrote to Jenny and Michael that afternoon.
I just wanted to thank you for all the time and help, which you gave me this morning. The energy here is so different now and, for the sake of us all, I am so grateful that this dear house can at last become a 'home'.
22 March 2009
Heathfield, East Sussex
He had shot himself the previous summer due to extreme back pain, which because of his presence in the home he was transferring onto his wife.
This, and the negativity of what had occurred, all made life very difficult for the lady still living there.
In the Sitting Room, where the deed had taken place, the pendulum was extremely active in all four ends of the room and as well as in the centre.
This entity had had enough of his earthbound condition, as Mustafa had revealed to Jenny and Michael before they arrived.
The entity was prepared to be guided to the light where he was gently accepted into the Spirit Word.
Before leaving Jenny and Michael cleansed and protected each and every room asking that all heavy vibrations, darkness and negativity was removed and that love and light and harmony replaced them.
They also asked for a protective dome to be placed over the property to keep out any further negativity from entering in.
.Already the back pain had lessened before they left and the lady continued to be relieved as her back adjusted to its normal state.
The lady telephoned the following morning to say that all was quiet and peaceful and to thank Jenny and Michael for all the work that we had done the previous day.
Michael’s guide, Red Cloud, told him that this entity had been received and was in ‘hospital’ conditions receiving healing to his damaged soul.
15 February 2009
Dorking, Surrey
We soon found the high spots of negativity and pieced together the story of a man, whose wife had had an affair over a number of years and through a termination had lost the child. He had struck her and she had fallen.
Brooding on the situation he had driven too fast and crashed the car killing himself. He had then walked back in his spirit body to the house that he had built much of himself for her and found that as soon as she heard he was dead walked out of the house leaving everything exactly as it was and went straight to her lover.
He had remained there, earth bound and cold and unhappy but unable to leave. After some conversation it was possible for many spirits to come into the room with love and one was his mother, who took him by the hand into the Light and therefore off to the Spirit World at last after forty or so years.
The house then showed no negativity and was cleaned and protected before we left by Jenny while I gave healing to the lady of the house, who had been so drained by it all but she was now so relieved and grateful.
The whole family later reported that the feelings were now good and that they have had interest in the house and are hopeful of a sale and being able to move on soon. Then everybody gains as the house is free of negativity, the trapped soul is receiving healing in the Spirit Realms and a traumatised family can start again in love and harmony.
Tunbridge Wells, Kent
“She is not going out of her mind, a possible psychic attack, very difficult to remove. You will just need to be guided by ‘Us’ and do your best.
“She is in a great deal of distress and uncertainty in her life, so be patient and understanding with her.
“See what you can do - Mustafa.”
We left after two hours having used the pendulum to show her that there was no negativity within her home. We cleansed the house with prayer and put protection around it and in every room.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located midway between the navel and the base of the sternum. It supports the spleen, pancreas, stomach, and liver. Each of these vital organs in addition is associated with its own chakra, just as the heart, lungs, and kidneys are.
The Solar Plexus Centre is one of the main power chakras of the individual. It is associated with the functioning of the aura or psychic energy field, and with Etheric and Astral plane sensitivity. Through this centre, which seems to correspond in part to the "Spleen Centre" of Theosophy, the various spiritual energies enter for distribution to various parts of the body. The Solar Plexus Chakra is also the centre of etheric-psychic intuition: a vague or non-specific, sensual sense of knowing; a vague sense of size, shape, and intent of being.
This chakra is orange or yellow-orange. The Solar Plexus Chakra - like the Heart Chakra above it and the Navel Chakra below it - is a purely Emotional Centre.
Associated Psychological states:
Open and Balanced: You have a deeply fulfilling emotional life. You take an expansive, outgoing, and sociable attitude to the world. You are able to feel the sweetness of life and have a sense of belonging and fitting in perfectly in the universe. You feel daring and confident and able to take risks. Hence this is the chakra associated with the leader, the explorer, and the charismatic extroversive individual.
Overactive: You are ruled by ambition, pride, fear, love of fame, desires and passions, and likes and dislikes; you are overly concerned with their place in life and their relation with others; you may crave the company of other people and be unable to cope or amuse yourself on your own.
Malfunctioning: You are easily overwhelmed by emotions or caught up by astral forces and may suffer from delusions and schizophrenia.
Blocked: You tend to block your emotions, or feel only superficial emotions or you may feel only negative emotions such as anxiety, panic, or worry. You may be closed to spiritual energies and unable to experience the sweetness and joy of life. You have a fear of change and are incapable of opening to greater things in life.
The above seemed to me to fit in well with malfunctioning of the Solar Plexus Chakra as this lady feels that she is under attack from a past neighbour who is sending ‘chemicals’ into her home even after she has moved.
She described how she smelt them in the kitchen emanating from the boiler area and were spread through the house along the water pipes.
Her partner is unable to smell them but he is apparently a very heavy smoker. Jenny and I were totally unable to smell anything unto ward. The house was devoid of smells apart from the natural smell of her two dogs.
Near Rome, Italy
First, we were confronted by a story of a very old entity, which was causing a disturbance in the home of some very nice people. He was apparently buried in one of the walls and when approached Michael felt very strong energies emanating from the wall and when Jenny touched the wall she received an electric shock.
We used a pendulum to douse the energies. All was calm except at this point where the pendulum swung violently from side to side. Jenny consulted Mustafa and he told us: “The ground floor basement entity is of a rough man, who needed to be sorted out as he was quite high ranking and fell from grace.
“He feels his position within the family home is his extraordinary right to be there. He was a priest/dictator of some influence and he shocked the community into doing what he ultimately wanted them to do for him.
“A tyrant cum dictator and he must be moved on. He has brought much hardship to the community at large. He is not dangerous now, but breathes an air of suspicion all around. People miscommunicate matters to each other – such is the power of his influence.
‘“We’ are quietening him down and his power is diminishing so that eventually there will be a permanent calm/harmony throughout this home.
“Don’t feel threatened by him anymore as ‘We’ have worked considerably to bring his term of office to an end. You will be able to turn around this negative energy and it should hold for all time.”
We sent our prayers and energies to this entity for his return to the Spirit Realms and when we returned a few days later all was calm again and the guides had safely moved him on to the Light. The pendulum showed no sign of movement and all was at peace.
Second, we were told of another problem where a man was not sleeping well and was undergoing some personality changes. Mustafa obliged with some further information: “As to the energies in the bedroom, this has been long standing and must be dealt with. There is a portal there that was used some time ago when the building was not there and it was used to bring up mercenaries to fight and steal within this area many years ago.
“Your job is to plug the hole for all time, so that no other spirit people can enter in and cause further disruption to their lives.”
We sat either side of the wall, where the bed head had been and advised the moving of it to another wall. As we asked our guides for the portal to be filled, we both felt the draft from it and clairvoyantly saw the meter sized hole in front of us filled up with a grey material from the bottom to the top. Then the wall was ‘plastered’ over until no trace of the portal remained.
The draft was gone and the energies there were light and good again. We heard afterwards that the gentleman had complained of feeling a draft while he was in bed. The portal was at bed head height.
We were pleased to receive reports that he was sleeping well and that his wife was pleased to have his old self back again.
Third, we gave healing to a lady who turned out to be possessed by an entity that she had picked up in Australia twenty years before.
As we worked the entity was slowly dissolved and the lady was at last free of the depression that had gripped her and made her suicidal. We were both pleased that she had got her life back again and was now calm and peaceful.
We look forward to returning and working in Italy again with the many good people that we met there.