27 October 2009

Pain and Sorrow in East Sussex


JUDGE JEFFREYS hanged them in the Garden without giving them Time to say their Prayers


Mustafa told us what to expect before we went to this area in East Sussex where there was so much pain and sorrow.


"There is a lot of turbulent activity, mostly hostile and uncomfortable, the path leading from the front gate to her home and running to the right of it as you see it from the front right up to the open field.

"There is also a ball of black/darkness energy, a residue from the past that filters outwards decreasing in density in that open field.  Allow yourselves plenty of time.

"The hostile energy actively encroaches to the rear of the house, but does not exactly permeate in.  The house itself is relatively clear – thank goodness.

"Souls remain trapped/contained in that black area and cannot be released thus far.  It is not your job to deal with those – that is our job alone as full recruitment needs to be done.

"Certainly a protective holding position is required as a permanent barrier.  The lady does not have any lost souls in her home – an interesting day there, Mustafa."


The house next door was described to us as an 'evil hall'.  What Mustafa described as a lot of turbulent activity, mostly hostile and uncomfortable was certainly coming from beyond the old roadway boundary to its right running on upwards to the field at the top.  To us it felt like waves of heavy, black negativity.


We were told that Judge Jefferies was there in 1667.  "He was a circuit judge and was one of the most evil circuit judges whoever lived.  There was locally a Jefferies Way and the other way called Neville Way, named after the Neville family whose beautiful house was bulldozed to build shops and houses.

"Judge Jefferies would have come as part of his circuit and because this was the Manor House.  He would have held court in there.  Even in 1667 the number of large buildings was very few and far between and that would be one of the largest buildings that most people ever saw.

"The Hall itself was 35 feet long, so it was a big hall, like a small Cambridge college hall with a large fireplace with stone floors and Jefferies would have tried local people, who were sheep stealing or whatever and he enjoyed putting them to death.

"He apparently enjoyed the whole process of not even allowing them to say their prayers."


  This came out in various history books that the lady had researched it, so she takes it as being correct.


This house next door was haunted and the lady knew this because a woman who used to live there had told her.  She wasn't very nice but she said that in the end they got fed up with living there, which was thirty years.  One flushed the lavatory and another sprayed perfume.  There were things going on all the time.  "If you go there it's awful.  It's like treacle."


We were not invited to this house of course, but to the neighbouring home of a lady who had called us in because she had suffered from ill health and depression for many years.

We blessed every room and cleansed it with prayer and walked around the perimeter of the garden and called for the Universal Force act.


"Please cleanse every single orifice of the entire establishment.  Use the whole Spiritual Light Force to remove all negativity and to prevent anymore negativity coming over to this residence and to this side of the fence.  Put a protective shield as a barrier for life, so that no more negativity can encroach on this property and especially on this area here.

"We ask for a whole dome of light to be placed over this adjoining property, so that it may dispel all negativity and that this property may be put up for sale and new residents can come in, where new light and love can be placed within and for the whole establishment  to be  used with the right intentions for the good of all."


            We asked for this double layered protective barrier to be put all round the boundaries of the garden.  When we left it felt far more peaceful and positive.


Four days later we received email from the lady herself.


The words thank you seems insufficient, but .. thank you, all three of you and the hosts of spirits who came to our aid.


My first feelings as I stepped outside this morning was that I no longer had to protect myself in my own garden. That tar like mist which seeped and threatened had been replaced by a light vacuum. For the first time in a long time, I started to sing while driving - I can't remember the last time I felt glad.


The black sphere of negative energy was a mixture of distress and evil mixed together. What it did was to attract more of its kind towards it and empower the occupants of the house to carry out their underhand deeds. That house has a long history of hostile and aggressive occupants.


So now when I walk outside ....... it's gone! It is early days but I will have to learn to think differently. I no longer protect myself and feel as if I am watched. Thank you seems rather insufficient, but I am greatly touched that Mustafa has recruited other powerful spirits to cleanse and refresh the space.


I am also touched that those poor souls who met their untimely ends may now carry on their passage and are no longer trapped.


Again nine days later we heard


Thank you my dear friends.


I have been keeping a note of changes that I have felt since Mustafa and his mates healed the black hole of despair next door. I have started to walk down the lane and across the fields for the first time in 16 years without feeling that creepy blackness.


Walking has improved my health, so that I am beginning to feel lighter and struggle less with my energy.  Something has released within me, so I have started to play music around the house such as Bach and Debussy and this has raised the vibrations.


These are subtle differences and yet they mean so much. I just wanted to thank you again.


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