15 February 2009

Tunbridge Wells, Kent

We left at half past ten for Tunbridge Wells, where we were to help a lady with problems at her house and perhaps her mind. Mustafa gave us the following on the drive in.

“She is not going out of her mind, a possible psychic attack, very difficult to remove. You will just need to be guided by ‘Us’ and do your best.
“She is in a great deal of distress and uncertainty in her life, so be patient and understanding with her.
“See what you can do - Mustafa.”

We left after two hours having used the pendulum to show her that there was no negativity within her home. We cleansed the house with prayer and put protection around it and in every room.
Then we gave her healing and I prayed for her as I healed. I was shown a white light growing within which expanded from the size of a melon into a larger than body sized beautifully white and pure energy.
Jenny was shown afterward that the guides working with me had removed a great deal of negativity from the stomach area that filled the whole ceiling and then dispersed.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located midway between the navel and the base of the sternum. It supports the spleen, pancreas, stomach, and liver. Each of these vital organs in addition is associated with its own chakra, just as the heart, lungs, and kidneys are.
The Solar Plexus Centre is one of the main power chakras of the individual. It is associated with the functioning of the aura or psychic energy field, and with Etheric and Astral plane sensitivity. Through this centre, which seems to correspond in part to the "Spleen Centre" of Theosophy, the various spiritual energies enter for distribution to various parts of the body. The Solar Plexus Chakra is also the centre of etheric-psychic intuition: a vague or non-specific, sensual sense of knowing; a vague sense of size, shape, and intent of being.
This chakra is orange or yellow-orange. The Solar Plexus Chakra - like the Heart Chakra above it and the Navel Chakra below it - is a purely Emotional Centre.
Associated Psychological states:
Open and Balanced: You have a deeply fulfilling emotional life. You take an expansive, outgoing, and sociable attitude to the world. You are able to feel the sweetness of life and have a sense of belonging and fitting in perfectly in the universe. You feel daring and confident and able to take risks. Hence this is the chakra associated with the leader, the explorer, and the charismatic extroversive individual.
Overactive: You are ruled by ambition, pride, fear, love of fame, desires and passions, and likes and dislikes; you are overly concerned with their place in life and their relation with others; you may crave the company of other people and be unable to cope or amuse yourself on your own.
Malfunctioning: You are easily overwhelmed by emotions or caught up by astral forces and may suffer from delusions and schizophrenia.
Blocked: You tend to block your emotions, or feel only superficial emotions or you may feel only negative emotions such as anxiety, panic, or worry. You may be closed to spiritual energies and unable to experience the sweetness and joy of life. You have a fear of change and are incapable of opening to greater things in life.

The above seemed to me to fit in well with malfunctioning of the Solar Plexus Chakra as this lady feels that she is under attack from a past neighbour who is sending ‘chemicals’ into her home even after she has moved.

She described how she smelt them in the kitchen emanating from the boiler area and were spread through the house along the water pipes.

Her partner is unable to smell them but he is apparently a very heavy smoker. Jenny and I were totally unable to smell anything unto ward. The house was devoid of smells apart from the natural smell of her two dogs.

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